FAQ About Vehicle Safety Checks in Hawaii
In many states, including Hawaii, an annual vehicle safety check is required to ensure that the cars on the road are safe. To stay on the right side of the law and avoid fines, you must have your car certified. The auto repair crew at Fantastik Auto Repair in Honolulu, HI, has conducted these checks for years and offers the following guide to give drivers more information.
Common Questions Regarding Hawaii’s Vehicle Safety Checks
Do the Standards Apply Equally to All Vehicles?
If your car is fresh off the lot, you won’t need an inspection for its first two years on the road. Rental cars, school buses, and other specialty vehicles must receive an inspection every six months. All other cars require an annual check.
What Do I Need Before Coming In?
To register for an official vehicle safety check, you will need to bring in a copy of your Hawaii-issued car insurance as well as your current and previous registration.
What Will the Technicians Check?
The evaluations are thorough and include your brakes, steering, suspension, lights, engine, and all other primary vehicle components.
What Are the Hours of Operations for Safety Checks?
The shop is open to safety checks Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. You can also come in on Saturday between 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
How Do I Pay?
For this service, the shop only accepts cash.
Can I Make an Appointment?
There are no prior appointments for vehicle safety checks—you’ll be taken care of just by walking into the shop.
What Are Your Busiest Times?
Typically, the shop is busiest first thing in the morning and then after lunch. You’re likely to receive faster service during other times of day.
If you haven’t had your vehicle safety check this year, head right over to Fantastik Auto Repair. The professionals will closely examine your vehicle and help with tuneups like oil changes and tire inflation. You can find out more about the checks by calling (808) 842-3777. Learn further context about the auto shop by visiting their website.